See? It really exists! After much anticipation and whining -- most of it on our part -- we are thrilled to announce that our second recording, Lyve Behind Bars, is here!

Recorded live at the Royal Mile Tavern. Featuring 20 favorite songs from your favorite delinquents... (Click on the photos to get their rap sheets)

(released 1999)
-- Sailor's Hornpipe
-- Donkey Riding
-- Fiddler's Green
-- South Australia
-- Strike the Bell
-- Santiano
-- Don't Sail There
-- Working Girls
-- Away, Rio
-- Staten Island/Red Haired Boy
-- Old Dunn Cow
-- Bold Riley
-- Whiskey-O
-- Stumble/Beer, Beer, Beer
-- Grand Pubs of Yorkshire
-- Pay Me My Money Down
-- Drink A Rum
-- Leave Her Johnny

I blame society. Captain Fletcher T. Moone -- vocals, stomping, bellowing It's my parents' fault. Bosun Peg Riley -- vocals, bodhran, Guiness I am a victim of the intolerance of the upper classes. 1rst Mate Long John Skivee -- vocals, guitar, bodhran, marlin spike
Nothing like a good brawl! Navigator Kat Fairbanks -- vocals, bad-zouki, hammered dulcimer, concertina-masher Do zey serve pate avec zee bread and water? Winetaster Fifi le BonBon -- vocals, violin, duster The captain's daughter seduced me, I couldn't say no to her! Ship's Man-About-Town Louis the Moor -- vocals, silken undies

...and special guest Timothy Shaw -- lead vocal on Pay Me

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